In our new monthly interview series, BOBO&BOO LOVES, we will be sharing and showcasing our favourite products and services that are changing the way we tackle modern parenting, and the rad mamas and papas who aren’t afraid to play by their own rules…
Our first feature interview is with Gold-Coast brand Little Renegade Company (and a personal favourite of the Boo Crew!)
We sat down and chatted to LRC founder, Amy, about all things business, babies, secret parenting weapons, rad caps for kids, and how to handle the work/life/mama juggle.
When people ask who are you and what you do, what do you tell them? Essentially, what is your elevator pitch?
I’m Amy, the creator, designer, and boss lady of Little Renegade Company. We help make little humans look cool.
How many kids do you have?
One perfect princess!
What’s your business backstory?
We couldn’t find a stylish hat small enough to fit our daughter when she was 4 months old, so we designed our own and never had that problem again!
You sound like a pretty amazing lady, lady. What is your favourite thing about what you do?
I love going for a scoot or a play at the park with my daughter and seeing strangers wearing our products.
Doing the work/life/mama juggle is dang’ hard most of the time. What are your non-negotiables when it comes to managing all the various parts of your life?
Making time to have fun, be present, and enjoy time with Avalon.
What is the best piece of advice you could give a new parent?
Nothing is forever, everything is a phase. Enjoy the ride!
Who are your mentors and biggest sources of inspiration?
Our brand evolves as our daughter grows. She is my biggest inspiration!
Besides making it through parenthood without too many grey hairs, what’s your biggest goal for the next five years?
To continue to expand our brand internationally and create new products where we see gaps in the market.
Rapid-Fire Questions:
Coffee or tea? Never drunk either!
Night owl or early bird? Night owl.
Favourite family holiday destination: Disneyland.
Must-have parenting tool/secret weapon: Patience. Lots and LOTS of patience!
Favourite meal to cook for the family: We just got a kitchen after being without one for a year. M&M balls? Is that a meal? Chicken wraps are also a winner!
Favourite bobo&boo item: The Divided Plate. I’m all for food not touching. Ew!